Maintain your electrical independence as you age. Our magnetic break-away feature ensures hassle-free plugging for aging hands and prevents tripping hazards. Experience seamless safety and convenience with TegoTech. ⚡🔌 #ElectricalIndependence #SafetyInAging
— Instagram caption
This week, TegoTech is pleased to underscore the safety features inherent in our innovative outlet adapter. The Magnetic Breakaway feature establishes a trip-resistant power source, particularly beneficial for older generations seeking electrical independence. Regardless of the plugged-in device, our safety outlet adapter ensures that the cord can easily detach, akin to effortlessly pulling a magnet off the fridge.
The advantages of Magnetic Breakaway extend beyond mere convenience. This magnetic connection is designed to accommodate individuals with arthritis, physical disabilities, mobility limitations, and visual impairments. TegoTech remains committed to enhancing safety and accessibility in electrical solutions for all users.

Iteration one-second slide:

What worked: 
  • Quick and Short
  • Team liked deliverables in dark blue  
What did not work:
  • Team did not like how the text was right alighnd.

Iteration two second slide:

What worked: 
  • Quick and Short
  • Team liked that all text was centerd   
What did not work:
  • N/A Over all team favort

Iteration three-second slide:

What worked: 
  • Digestible representation of iteration one 
  •  Better  hierarchy  
What did not work:
  • Team felt like the text was not as impactful as option two.
After thoughtful discussions with the marketing team, a unanimous consensus emerged. The primary post featuring the walker icon will remain unchanged, as the team believes it delivers a compelling statement that resonates effectively with our older target audience. However, for the second carousel post, the team has chosen the second iteration. The striking text, coupled with a streamlined visual hierarchy, not only allows for a playful tone but also introduces juxtaposed alignments, enhancing the overall visual impact. This decision reflects our commitment to delivering engaging and impactful content.

TegoTech 20% electrical injuries involve children


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